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Lake McConaughy


Dining and Convenience

Dining and Convenience






Vogl's Lodge and Lure 308.355.2321

Van's Lakeview Fishing Camp 308.284.4965

Kingsley Lodge Store 308.284.2775

JC Cedar view 308.355.2793

Big Mac Marina 308.355.5555 (on the water)

Stetson's Corner Store 308.726.2369


Bayside Grill 308.287.3663

Boxcar 308.726.2335

Marina Landing 308.355.3535

The Most Unlikely Place 308.778.9557

Hooks Lake Bar and Grill 720.315.3130

Convenience and Restaurant: 

Lakefront Express 303.909.9677

Admirals Cove 308.355.2102

Eagle Canyon Hideaway 308.287.2673

North Shore Lodge 308.355.2222

Otter Creek Lodge 308.355.2372

Oregon Trail Trading Post 308.284.7011

Visionary, Chairman, and Partner Members

  • Keith County
  • City of Ogallala
  • ABT
